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The massive capacity buildup in these polymers will result in a surplus of 18. Jatuh tempo pelaporan adalah tanggal 20, sebulan setelah bulan terutang pajak penghasilan 23. Food and drug administration for its novel tobacco heating system ths1 with three different tobacco. In order to advise and assist me in executing this solemn responsibility, as well. Container dri ii desiccants ez hang pole s15068 uline. Spt masa tersebut dinamakan berdasarkan nomor pasal, di mana aturan pajak tersebut diatur, 10 jenis spt masa tersebut adalah. Anda juga bisa menyimpan bukti potong terlebih dahulu dalam format pdf. Nsp 120 high performance epoxy coating nsf certified. Surat pemberitahuan masa pajak penghasilan pph pasal 23 dan atau pasal 26 sesuai peraturan direktur jenderal pajak nomor per53pj2009. Jika memilih formulir spt, maka rekan akan dihadapkan pada pilihan formulir apa saja yang ingin dicetak. Halaman formulir perpajakan direktorat jenderal pajak. Long desiccant bag with plastic top hook for easy hanging inside containers. Formulir spt masa pph pasal 21, pph pasal 22, pph pasal 23, pph pasal 4 2, dan pph pasal 15 excel atau pdf.
Cara membuat file pdf spt masa pph 21 melalui aplikasi espt. Consideramixingtank, withconstantsupplytemperaturest. Philip morris international summary of modified risk tobacco product application submitted to u. Calcium chloride traps up to 150% of its weight in moisture. Tax identity, company name, address, tax identity number npwp, and other related information. Corporate income tax return art 25 spt wp badan form 1771 y. Document format pdf, dalam hal pph pasal 26 menggunakan tarif. Pemotong pajak pph pasal 23 diwajibkan menyampaikan spt masa selambatlambatnya 20 hari setelah masa pajak berakhir. Yearly income tax article 21 reported on form number 1721a1. Pemotong pajak pph pasal 23 harus memberikan tanda bukti pemotongan kepada orang pribadi atau badan yang dibebani membayar pph yang dipotong. Nsp 152pl pro line industrialcommercial floor coating p. Fda on december 5, 2016 introduction philip morris international pmi submitted a modified risk tobacco product application mrtpa to u.
Digunakan untuk penghitungan masa pajak penghasilan pph pasal 23 26. Managing security behaviour in organisations adam beautement university college london department of computer science malet place, london. Mar 29, 2007 corporate income tax return art 25 spt wp badan form 1771 y. Nsp 152pl is a twocomponent, high performance, selfleveling epoxy floor coating for use in. Surat pemberitahuan masa pajak penghasilan pph pasal 23 dan atau pasal 26. Philip morris international summary of modified risk. Formulir ini dipergunakan untuk melaporkan pph pasal 23 dan atau pasal 26 yang telah dipotong dalam suatu masa pajak. Organization of the national security council and the homeland security council as president, my highest priority is to ensure the safety and security of the american people. Pilih menu cetak lalu pilih formulir spt atau bukti potong.
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